Friday's are Pizza Night in our house. My son has been a just cheese please pizza guy until just recently. He's now branched out to eating pepperoni. Small steps. Some day I hope he will eat my more robust pies. I've been making a lot lately due to having my 5 minute bread dough constantly in the fridge. Like last night's pizza shown above. This one has a tomato sauce topped with leftover ground beef from tacos, chopped green olives, fresh mushrooms, roasted red peppers and finally sliced cherry tomatoes. The tomatoes were SO sweet when cooked on top of the cheese.
Let me share some of my other recent pizza creations. I have a bit of summer stored in my freezer in the form of delicious homemade pesto. Perfect for pizza! No tomato sauce on this one.
A bit of ham, kalamata lives and roasted red peppers make for toppings that are nice and flavorful.
Look at how nice it cooks up on my oven tiles!
The pizza that follows had a combination of pesto and tomato sauce. A bit of roasted red peppers and topped with pepperoni, this Friday night feast really pleased.
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3 days ago
My favourite ingredients!!! Looks great!!! As I see you like to keep your pizza in the oven for longer as well... :)
Have you tried Pizza without Cheese? It's fantastic and doesn't make everything taste the same with a gooey cow puss coating. Cheese is NOT an very good food source and in my opinion we would all be better off without it.
Yes, I have had pizza without cheese and it definitely can be delicious! But cheese is fine in moderation. I would die if I couldn't eat cheese. The stinkyer, the better! To each their own, I guess.
Hi Koruklu! Thanks for posting. Yes, one of my pizza's got a bit overdone. But it still tasted good.
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